There are many causes of split earlobes and widened ear piercing holes. Split earlobes are often caused by acute trauma, which may occur if earrings are pulled through the piercing hole. In order to correct a split earlobe, a widened piercing hole or a stretched ear piercing, a surgical procedure is necessary dermatologic surgeons are among the physicians that can perform these procedures.
Frequently Asked Questions
Each earlobe can take about 30 minutes to complete.
No time off work or school is required after the most common earlobe procedures. However, you will have some mild swelling and stitches may be visible for up to seven days after surgery.
It depends. Most procedures where the incisions are made behind the ear receive dissolvable stitches. Permanent stitches that will need to be removed are placed in areas of more visibility.
Some may need to come out and others may stay in and dissolve. If the dissolvable ones don’t dissolve within two weeks, they can be removed in the office.
Sometimes the earlobe can be re-pierced the same day as the procedure. In other cases, it is wise to let the swelling subside, which may take up to three weeks.
Every procedure carries some type of risk. However, earlobe repair is a very safe operation. The most common complications include issues related to healing such as poor scarring, the formation of a notch where the skin meets, and infection. Revisions can always be made. It should be noted that smokers tend to heal poorly and every effort should be made to avoid nicotine products for at least four weeks before the procedure to optimize the scar.
It is wise to avoid strenuous exercise for 48 hours after earlobe surgery to minimize the chance of bleeding and to reduce pain.
One can shower the next day as long as common sense is exercised. Don’t scrub the area. The most gentle shampoo is Johnson and Johnson baby shampoo.