How does the laser remove my tattoo?
Tattoos consist of millions of tiny particles of ink that have been injected into the dermis, which are suspended in the skin. Commonly, the healing process and cell turnover remove small foreign particles from the skin. After all, tattoo pigment particles are too large to be removed during these natural processes. Laser tattoo removal Treatments in which a high-powered, very short, pulsed beam of light is delivered at specific wavelengths—1064nm (nanometres), 755nm or 532nm. The beam move through the skin and breaks up tattoo pigment particles of all colours and shades into smaller particles. These particles are then gradually eliminated through the body’s lymphatic system. Finally, the tattoo fades in much the same way that a bruise fades over time.
What type of training do your technicians undergo?
Our technicians at Electra Laser are Medical Estheticians. If more, they have received training and certification specific to our laser tattoo-removal equipment. While B.C. has no regulations in place governing technicians who work in tattoo-removal clinics, we require our technicians to be fully trained and certified. All of our technicians have a minimum of two years’ experience.
Does tattoo removal hurt?
Tattoo removal does included some level of pain. That said, many say that it hurts less than they expected.
It’s a simple use that tattoo removal is excruciating, yet most patients say that the sensation of removal is comparable to having a tattoo applied. Friendly descriptions include the sensation of a rubber band snapping against the skin or bacon grease basically it’s uncomfortable but bearable.
It hurts, but it’s bearable.
When discussing pain with patients, it’s important to share with them that there is some level of discomfort, but that they can manage it. It may take some tough love to encourage patients concerned about sensitivity.
The big majority of tattoo removal providers offer some form of soothing to the skin during the treatment. to offer skin numbing during the procedure allows your lesson to stay competitive, provide better patient care, and have higher patient satisfaction.
What are the effects of laser tattoo removal?
Most of the removal of a tattoo involves creating a controlled medical burn with the laser. There is an immediate whitening of the treated area, which may last anywhere from several minutes up to several hours. Short-term side-effects can include reddening, mild burning, temporary bruising and/or blistering.
Within 14-72 hours, your skin will likely scab or crust, and this can last for one to two weeks or more. Skin can be rosy or pale after the scab. failure of skin pigment in the treated area is common, but usually temporary. Doctors will discuss possible side-effects with you, and provide you with pre- and post-treatment care instructions before scheduling your laser tattoo-removal appointment.
Is laser tattoo removal safe during pregnancy?
If sometimes clinics treat clients during pregnancy, we do not at Electra Laser. Our primary concern is both for your health, and for that of your unborn child. In addition, you should consider the hormonal changes that you will go through during your pregnancy changes that sometimes involve skin pigmentation. We fully recommend that you seek advice from your health-care professional prior to contacting any laser tattoo-removal clinic. And, we would be happy to treat you after the safe received of your baby.
Is laser tattoo removal safe?
Yes, if it is performed correctly by a certified, experienced laser technician, laser tattoo removal is both safe and effective. However, it is a clinical procedure. As such, there is a potential for associated risks. As a professional laser tattoo-removal clinic, we will not perform any procedures without first assessing your complete medical history, your current health condition, and any potential you may have for complications. Lasers are our specialty and our technicians have years of experience working on a variety of medical lasers every day. These includes make Electra Laser your best choice for tattoo removal. We more provide many clients with protective eye wear that must be worn during treatment. Please visit our office trivedi skin care to see what they say about laser skin treatments, including tattoo removal.
Can Laser Tattoo Removal Make All Ink Colours Disappear Equally?
To show your result that dark inks (blue/black) and red inks fade the best. Purple and orange also respond well. To more difficult to remove are green and yellow inks, although additional laser tattoo removal treatments can produce significant fading.
What Happens After Laser Tattoo Removal?
Back to the laser tattoo removal procedure, the area may be red or swollen and is similar to mild sunburn, this is to be expected for five days to several weeks. Some pinpoint bleeding is associated with the treatment. Application of antibacterial ointment and a dressing is applied to the treated area of skin. The treated location should be kept clean with continued application of any ointment given to you by your physician. Showers can be taken but you must keep the skin clean and dry for 5-7 seven days and the area that has undergone laser tattoo removal should not be scrubbed.